Nyree Clark- EDTECH PK6
"The first time you know you belong is when you can SEE yourself in content and in your learning space."
Hello! My name is Nyree Clark and I am so glad you are here.
I am a Curriculum Program Specialist for Educational Technology Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade. I support students, teachers, administrators, classified employees, and district office personnel.
My areas of focus have been in Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), as a Reading Interventionist, EdTech integrations, and Culturally Responsive Teaching pedagogy.
Through my training in Cognitive Coaching I have built capacity in the areas of equity, inclusion, and curriculum practices through the integration of technology skills and practices.
"Invest in students beyond the content. When students know you're investing in them, they know they matter." Nyree
I am passionate about providing equity in education for ALL students and adult learners.
When students and adult learners are able to see themselves represented in their learning environment they feel valued.
My mission is to empower educators to provide equitable educational experiences for ALL learners. Some examples of strategies and practices to make this happen include ...
and professional development that acknowledges CRT as a "mindset" or lens that you continually see through to provide an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all.
Professional Experiences
* 23 Years in Education
* LCAP TOA, Reading Interventionist
* GATE 4th Grade Teacher
* GATE Site Lead Teacher
* Taught K-4th Grade
* Reading Recovery Teacher
* Curriculum Program Specialist, Technology PreK-6th 2018
* TOSAChat Twitter Moderator 2018
* Founder Member of Equity In Action CA EST. 2019
Trainings & Certifications
* CLAD (Clear Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development) Certificate
* Certified in Gifted and Talented Education taught by Dr. Sandra Kaplan
* Reading Certificate attached to Master's Degree
* LETRS Training
* Cognitive Coaching at Mind Growers: Dr. A. Segura-Mora
* Future Ready Librarianship Certificate
* Nearpod Level 1 Trainer
* Leading Edge Professional Learner Leader
* Leading Edge Online & Blended Teacher
* ISTE U Future Ready Librarian
Speaking & Presentations
* IACUE TECHFEST 2018: Student Voice
* COACHELLA CUE TECHFEST 2019: GATE Strategies + Equity In Action CA Research
* CUE ROCKSTAR BIG BEAR 2019: Social Media Director
* IACUE 2019: GATE Strategies
* SAN JACINTO 2019 CUE Lead Learner: Flipgrid
* IACUE Tech Fair 2020: GATE Strategies + Equity In Action CA Research
* OCCUE Tech Fair 2020: GATE Strategies + EquityInActionCA Research
* CAGCON 2020: Spiraling Through DOK with Depth/Complexity & Technology
* SPRING CUE 2020: @EquityInActionCA presents "Creating Welcoming Spaces"
* SBCUSD 2020 Training: Flipgrid, Seesaw, and Nearpod
* FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT May 2020: Hyperdocs Keeping Your Teacher Energy Up!
* TEACHING TALES PODCAST 2020: Co presenting with Tory Wadlington
* PSA on the TODAY SHOW 2020: Presenting on behalf of Common Sense Media
* DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 2020: Panel Discussion hosted by Flipgrid
* COMMON SENSE PANEL 2020: Teaching in Support of Black Lives: Education at a Crossroads
* EQUITARIUM 2020: Equity In Action CA host this 3 Day Conference in collaboration with CUELA
* FALLCUE 2020: The Heart of Culturally Responsive Lesson Design
* CUEBOOM 2020: I Matter
* ISTE 2020: ISTE Equity Action Forum Ignite Group Presentation
* ISTE 2020: Google Edition of Solve In Time in the Google Playground
* DITCHSUMMIT 2020: Culturally Responsive Teaching Lesson Design